Git Make Your Local Repository Remote

Idea got from the post: stackoverflow-git-make-local-repo-remote

Remote Repository Has To Be Bare

Better create a new repository (folder) with the --bare option. By convention, bare repository ends with .git.


mkdir NEW_REPO.git
cd NEW_REPO.git
git init --bare

Then this repo is accessible for anyone who has write & read permissions.

to link your local repository;

# add remote-url as the name of origin

#cd local_repo
git init
git remote add origin PATH_TO/NEW_REPO.git

# The first step is to push your branch to it
# why?
# Because origin is a bare repository, there is no any branches on it
# you cannot push your contents to an empty repository
# so, you have to push your existing branch to it first and track it latter.

git push -u origin YOUR_LOCAL_BRANCH

# after remote has branches, you can play around of the tracking

git branch -u origin/branch <local-branch>

for more, please read: git-branches