git tag

official link: git-tag

in total, it has two different type of tags, annotation and lightweight.

Annotated tags are meant for release while lightweight tags are meant for private or temporary object labels.

command line

git tag [-a | -s | -u <keyid>] [-m <msg>] <tagname> [<commit> | <object>]

explanation of command line

lightweight tag is created without the -a | -s | -m option.

git tag <tagname>               # lightweight
git tag -a <tagname>            # annotation, the `core.editor' will be opened
git tag -a -m <msg> <tagname>   # annotation, the message will be used
git tag -m <msg> <tagname>      # annotation, behave as if `-a' is passed

by default, -s == --sign will use your committer identity Your Email Account to find the key, which can be configured in: signingKey = <keyid>

list all tags

no matter where you are, the git tag will always list all the tags

git tag
git tag -l
git tag --list

git tag -l <regExpr>

push tag to remote

# push all the tags <not recommend>

git push --tags

# push single tag

git push <tagname>

# push wisely
## only annotated tags
## only reachable from the pushed commits
## won't push tags on other branches

git push --follow-tags

# to delete

git push <repo-name> :refs/tags/<tagname>
git push <repo-name> :<tagname>
git push <repo-name> --delete <tagname>

difference between git push –tags & git push –follow-tags

git push --tags will push all the tags to remote, even for the tags that are not reachable from the remote. However, --follow-tags is more wise and sane, it only pushes the current branch's trackable tags.

for example, in your local and remote, you have a history like;

         T1       T2
         v        v
o--o--A--B--o--o--C    (HEAD, master) both on local & remote
        N--o--o--o--M  (dev)          only on local
        ^           ^
        TS1         TS2

# T1, T2 are tags on master branch
# TS1, TS2 are tags on dev branch

command git push --tags will push all FOUR tags to remote, however, --follow-tags will only push T1 and T2 to remote.

--tags will let remote's GIT_DIR/refs/tags have the record for tags TS1 and TS2, even their HASH pointing to nowhere (because dev does not exist on it). Thus it will pollute the remote tag records, and have the potential issue confusing and interfering other's local tags info.

git show only annotation tags

# only annotation tags will be shown
# lightweight tags in empty line

git tag --format='%(tag)'

# annotation shows "tag"
# lightweight shows "commit"

git for-each-ref

# annotation tag will append ^{}

git show-ref -d

Version format

Format      : X.Y.Z[-Stage][.Numeric][+Metadata]

  X         : major     (number)
  Y         : minor     (number)
  Z         : patch     (number)
Stage       : alpha, beta, release candidate
Metadata    : will be ignored when comparing