ld library not found

if a /usr/bin/ld problem occurs, which means a package is not found:

error like: /usr/bin/ld [name]

Solution 1: –verbose

(1) show verbose, by using /usr/bin/ld [name] --verbose, locate which package is

(2) use the error path, recursively find whether the package is missing or not: sudo dpkg -l | grep [name], then, sudo dpkg -L [libname] to locate its path

(3*) if the lib exists, symbolize it

(3*) if the lib not exists, install it

Solution 2: locate

locate works similarly like find, but more fast and efficient with the help of database (updatedb)

Solution 3:

LD_PRELOAD=lib.so executor

LD_DEBUG=files executor

see ld configuration for more info


ld configuration

link: ld

ldconfig: configure dynamic linker run-time bindings

Note that ldconfig will only look at files that are named lib*.so* (for regular shared objects) or ld-*.so* (for the dynamic loader itself). Other files will be ignored. The same rule is applied to symlinks.

important files:

    Run-time linker/loader.

  File containing a list of directories, one per line, in which to search for libraries.

    File containing an ordered list of libraries found in the directories specified in
    /etc/ld.so.conf, as well as  those  found in the trusted directories.

Bit Numbering & Endianness

link: bit-numbering

In computing, bit numbering is the convention used to identify the bit positions in a binary number or a container of such a value. The bit number starts with zero and is incremented by one for each subsequent bit position.

Most Significant Byte vs Least Significant Byte: determined by bit position is output/sent first, corresponding left-most and right-most bit, respectively.

1-byte       decimal     hex      binary        note
8-bit          18       0x12     00010010     left->right

MSB:    00010010
LSB:    01001000

Executable and Linkable Format

link: ELF

magical number: 7f 45 4c 46: _DEL ELF

commands to analyze: file, objdump, readelf