git merge

official link: git-merge

it merges input commit-hash to the current branch,

git merge [options] [merge-hash]

advanced git merge

a very good document:

official link: advanced-git-merge

git merge-file

official link: git-merge-file

useful command

git merge-file -p [--[no-]diff3] <file-ours> <file-base> <file-theirs>

-p == --stdout printout merge results to standout whether using diff3 style or not, by comparing changes from base and theirs with ours.


if a file's history (specific on a file) is like,

         A---B      ours    (HEAD)
         A'---C     theirs

two branches diverges from Base, purely because of the changes on A, the merge will be conflicted with.

git will keep three versions of this file, so we can get them accordingly.

git show :1:file  >  file-base
git show :2:file  >  file-ours
git show :3:file  >  file-theirs

or get actual HASHs,

git ls-files -u

now we can manually do the merge until we feel comfortable.

sometime, we may prefer one of those version to other two, we can do,

git merge-file -p file-ours file-base file-theirs --ours

git use ours version to solve conflicts. Working similarly for options --theirs.

However, when the --union option is chosen, then both ours and theirs versions will be kept, in a way appending to common-base with ours first and theirs after.

warning: any contents in base that not contained both in ours and theirs will be discarded, which means only the common-base will be kept for the starting point.

more examples

if a file's history looks like,

         A---B      ours    (HEAD)                      file-ours
o-o-Base -- D       common base with a diverged D       file-base
         A'---C     theirs                              file-theirs

if git merge-file file-ours file-base file-theirs --ours is executed, then we will get,


if using git merge-file file-ours file-base file-theirs --theirs,


if git merge-file file-ours file-base file-theirs --union


Note: you can see that the diverged D in base is discarded.

git merge-base

official link: git-merge-base

Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge