require vs load vs include

include & extend

works for modules, to fulfill mixin, like injecting or copying/pasting code-chuck-reference to current place, in a way maximumly reducing the codes repeating.

however, if it is used inside class, it has to be initialized first by using .new

for more, please read: class-inheritance

include the module makes all the module's methods instance methods whereas extend the module makes all its methods class methods, like prepending each one of them with self.

for more its talking, please refer: ruby-include-vs-extend

require & require_relative

source outside file or library, extension .rb can be omitted, it only sources once, ignoring number of calls.

require is powerful of require_relative

$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__))


unlike require, load will load as its number of calls, besides, the full filename has to be input, it's meanly used to load configuration files, config.yml, to show dynamic changes