Windows Global Hotkey

I can say I am a Keyboard Aficionado, I do rather use mouse only when I am playing the video game, League of Legend. For which, honestly, I haven't touch it for over than six months, the simple reason is I am getting too busy and I also do not have much time left to fiddle with.

Annoying part in windows is that, it does have global hotkey setting to use, which is placed on the application's property => shortcut -> shortcut key, however, from my testing, it does not work.

Thus to make global hotkey feasible, third party application is a must.

I find autohotkey, their official link: AutoHotKey

Github link: Github-AutoHotKey

It's very easy to use and edit.

Also it seems to like gnome-type-tweak on windows, interesting.

Code Example

For example, if I want to set a hotkey Ctrl+Alt+T to open wsl.exe in my windows,

Create a file named with my-hotkey.ahk

^!T::   ;Ubuntu
Run C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu18.04onWindows_1804.2020.824.0_x64__79rhkp1fndgsc\ubuntu1804.exe

to make it work whenever I reboot computer, place this file under windows-startup by using win+R => shell:startup,

C:\Users\USRNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

then done, I can use the keyboard Ctrl + Alt + T to start Ubuntu terminal.

Code Explanation

^       means       Control
+       means       Shift
!       means       Alt

^!T::   means keybinding, double colon is a must

anything after semicolon is the comments

Run the executable

Return is recommended, otherwise, AutoHotKey will continue looking to below

for more its symbol meaning, please refer: AutoHotKey-symbol