terminology evolution

undoubtedly, as time goes by, the language evolutes a lot in all aspects, like spelling, pronouncing, grammar, structures, and the lists go on.

however, no matter how it develops, the most basic and general rule is that it should not be offensive or insulting to any part of legal human being.

I'm glad to read a post on tcl/tk community, TIP-581, concerning about the updates on its original terminologies.

As a summary, that post mainly describes how the way they will do changes. For example, the phase master/slave will be gradually deprecated in future developments, by replacing to parent/children. And also for some parts, for instance, parent will be not a good choice for master, they will take additional cares. So, all in all, they have made their decision to embrace more general and inclusive language usage.

As far as I am concerned, I am totally agree with it. Actually, I personally think it is our duty to respect every person in this planet, no matter what country they are, young or old, poor or rich, religion or atheism, they all deserve others' equally respects.

It is true that we human are different, we can and definitely can be assessed and evaluated by the amount of our contributions and responsibilities, but, we should not and absolutely should not be judged or estimated superficially by our appearances or outlooks. All shall be based on our works.

Besides, I also don't like the phase blacklist/whitelist, why on the earth the word black potentially means bad? I hate this combination very much. If anything possible, I would like to suggest to use a similar but more precise combo blocklist/trustlist instead. We should not pay attentions on people's speaks or colors, we should value on duties and actions.